Food, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

“Earnin” versus “Harvestin”

Those who Earn are like Slaves

Earnin Is not the Natural Way,

… is not the Way of “God” (Breathdweller)

“Earnin” Benefits the Boss more than the Workman!

Learn the concepts that are in this videoscope.  Speak them to others.  Thank you.

If You Want to “Change the World”

If you want to “Change the world” find your doorway in this link:  Doorways.

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Economics, Lifestyle

Lifestyle Video: Achuar Tribe Picked a Good Way

In this article:

+  We Got Special Permission to Watch the Movie!

+  My Comments about the Movin Picture

+ Livin Styles Offered

+  The Link to the Videoscope

+  If You Want to “Change the World”

+  Easy Ways You Can Help!

We Got Special Permission to Watch the Movie!

Award-winnin filmmaker Michael Snyder has graciously agreed to share the passin word with us, but shhhh…. let’s not abuse the privilege!  His movin picture, The Vision Within, linked below, shows some great lessons for the manner of livin or “livin style” for all folks of the future.  At this time such a style of livin is not to be found, but observations of the Achuar hint at how to go about growin into it.

My Comments about the Movin Picture

Michael’s movin picture is linked below.  Bits of it are among my most favoritest bits of movin pictures.  We should learn from it.  Some observations:

…. Big silver bird in sky:  not good, but we must put up with them and use them for a while longer, mustn’t we?

…. Enough mud for you?

…. The Achuar are good architects.  Check out the indoor/outdoor architecture!

…. The planks in the boardwalk were imported, not milled by the Achuar.

…. “… millions of years of evolution …” — a hypothesis not upheld by scientific observation.

…. Hectare = 100 acres.

…. Achuar have well developed pre-frontal lobes of their brains, which jut forward of their eyes.  That distinguishes them from the more Asiatic native pre-Americans, and suggests a genetic contribution from the Old World.

Such a paternity may correlate with their willinness to interface with the remnant of Old World folks who have managed to “stay awesome” in spite of the earthwide dominance of the Venetian/Frankist rebellion headquartered in the square mile City of London, in Vatican City, and sundry other hubs.

Wide nosterilles are an advantage for survival in a hot environment, and, so, might happen through natural selection rather than through distant inheritance.

… Man said “… just as valid as our way of life [emphasis added].”  When he spoke, he was “not there yet”, but still clingin to or identifyin with the alien ways of the abovenamed rebellion.

… Every food and every medicine that we need is growin around us, or, if not, Breathdweller brings us together with it.

Example: magnolia’s bark and other local substances have been identified by Jethro Kloss as bein more effective than quinine, and without unpleasant side effects.  The president of Johns Hopkins University stated in a speech that the whole foxglove plant is more effective than the digitalis extract, and with no side effects.

In some desert spots, such as maybe Arctic and Sahara, Breathdweller may advise us to relocate.  Livin style of the Esquimaux is founded upon eatin of an unclean beast.  Mayhap they have been listenin to Earth but not to Wr-alda?

…. Shamanism operates on the astral plane of consciousness, which is not the highest plane of consciousness.  Folks who have received the gift of the Way of Happiness from the Pahana have been advised to ignore their dreams.  The highest consciousness is above the dream-state-consciousness.

Dabblers in shamanism risk bein influenced by rebellious spirits.

…. Do I want to hang out with the Achuar and to be buddies with them?  No, I would like to be a bit of my own tribe with my own kind.

I like what the Achuar have been doin, I want folks to be inspired by their architecture, crafts, closeness to nature, and so on.  I don’t want to be buddies with them directly, no.  I have no complaint about how the Pachamana Alliance is handlin the case.  That may be because I have no knowledge of that, which they have been doin.

Also I like it if somehow we can save their livin space when we foil those Standard-Oil-led corporations and replace them with smaller scale natural self-reliant communities.

Livin Styles Offered

The videoscope offers several choices of livin style.  First there is the human termite colony, which nobody watchin this videoscope is likely to consider as a worthwhile option, though more folks have accepted it than those who haven’t.

You could pick the style that involves workin and havin meetins in cramped rooms replete with electronic devices.

You could live among your relatives in your own community’s private territory close to nature.

You could work at an American kibbutz in a free-for-all kind of setup, where the community is not of relatives but of a coalition of strangers whose domiciles are individual and apart from the workin spot (in contrast to the Achuar).

As opposed to remainin in a forest or natural settin, you could join thousands in a tightly packed crowd in order to show some small and transient solidarity to the foe, whose agents provocateurs would be most likely the leaders of the crowd, or at least infiltrated into the leadership, thus reducin the competition in the biddin for land.

How can we infer that the rallies were endorsed by the foe?  Here’s how:  the police’s force of Washinton D.C. has been a freemasonic organization.  Had the rallies been contrary to the interests of the corporations, then the police’s force would have been bidden to interfere with the rallies.  Since they police’s force let the demonstrators to be, therefore they were not ordered to queer the game.

Those are some of the lifestyles that are most saliently portrayed in this wonderful videoscope, makin the comparison between each two of them to be easy for the watcher to perform

The Link to the Videoscope

Passin word is Achuar2013.  Here is the link to the videoscope:

If You Want to “Change the World”

If you want to “Change the world” find your doorway in this link:  Doorways.

Easy Ways You Can Help!

Be sure to share, usin the icons below, and tell how you feel and what you think in a comment below.  Thank you!

Make a Gift!

If you want to do a good deed and make a gift of money, then CLICK HERE NOW, and thank you!  You will be taken to Red Baxter’s PayPal site, he handles donations.



Economics, Food, Lifestyle

“Lifestyle” – Our Lives’s Style

Earthy Housin and Airy in Season

Ever since the fifties I have felt that a home, that is both indoors and outdoors at the same time, is the one wherein we are the best set with the goodness comin from Earth.

So in olden times you had your wattles and lately your earthships.  Frank Herbert invented a kind of tree that grows into bein a house and a tree both.  Good stuff.

Breathdweller Has Supplied Our Food

I have endorsed the harvestin of wild plants in lieu of shoppin.  This takes more time, for the bits harvested are smaller, but they have more goodness in them.  In our neighborhood has been coal, so we must avoid the plants that grow in scatheful soil.

Acres and acres of chicory, wild lettuce, dandelion, plantain, clover, coltsfoot, needles of pine and spruce, and other goodies are to be found for hundreds and hundreds of miles about this spot.

Bugs won’t get them so long as the soil is rich and there is enough water.  Thus the husbander’s job is to irrigate and to mulch.  With hardwoods, a knowledge of prunin is also helpful.

Community Enhances Efficiency of Technology

The fusion of primitive culture with some innovations is ideal.  But no petroleum derivatives, radio waves, nor electromagnetic fields.

Ray Mears has been learnin and teachin the primitive ways.  These every tribe should know, but they are time-inefficient by themselves, and are to be bound with innovative ways.

Achuar May Have Been the First to Do It

The Achuar of the Amazon River’s basin have picked to merge their primitive ways with the ones more lately invented.  Without doin so, they would become extinct or absorbed into the bad white folks’s system.

To be able to use primitive knowledge in a time-efficient manner, I conceive a lifestyle that is a fusion between manorial system and primitive tribal organization.  Several or many families workin all together allows everythin to get done with time to be spared.

Filmmaker Michael Snyder has documented a trip to pay a call on the Achuar tribe.  I spoke to him this mornin and he said that his group has spoken of takin away the password requirement, and that he will send to me a link whereby I might share the said videoscope.

Meanwhile, Ray Mears has been doin a great job by learnin and teachin the ways of bushcraft and wild food.  Below I’ll embed the first videoscope in each of two of his series, wherefrom you can find the subsequent episodes thereof.  Below the videoscopes I’ll link his web’s site.

In the followin videoscopes Ray catches flounders and grubs.  Flounders and grubs are unclean, so that I do not rede the eatin thereof; but whatever you eat is not my business.  The obedient folks will never be forced to eat unclean food.

If You Want to “Change the World”

If you want to “Change the world” find your doorway in this link:  Doorways.

Easy Ways You Can Help!

Be sure to share, usin the icons below, and tell how you feel and what you think in a comment below.  Thank you!

Make a Gift!

If you want to do a good deed and make a gift of money, then CLICK HERE NOW, and thank you!  You will be taken to Red Baxter’s PayPal site, he handles donations.